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Hydrogen Fuel Stations

Air Products & Chemicals

MCH regularly advises on issues related to exterior noise, ranging from major transportation systems to amphitheaters to aircraft noise to mechanical equipment to hydrogen fuel stations and more!

Increasing popularity of alternate vehicle fuel sources has led to expansion of hydrogen fuel stations, which use a variety of noisy equipment including compressor skids and condensing units. Noise levels at neighboring properties depend on the equipment, location, orientation, and frequency spectrum. We tailor our recommendations to properly mitigate noise in order to satisfy local codes and ordinances.

MCH acoustical scope develops naturally for each project, and may include the following:

- Site visits to measure background noise and existing hydrogen fuel station equipment noise

- Prediction of noise levels during operation of equipment

- Cost-effective noise control to satisfy applicable codes & ordinances, while allowing for proper access for maintenance and servicing

MCH applies extensive firm experience in noise control design to arrive at successful solutions with reliable results to satisfy each project’s goals.


Square ft:



Woodland Hills, CA & Rancho Palos Verdes, CA


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